Welcome to DAY 21 of the day to day living of our beautiful baby Bengal Eagle Owl
Evening everyone....
Lets start with stats – my weight has remained the same for 3 days now...so I am 2lb 3oz and have so far eaten 7 chicks – the news on that is I am now feeding myself so that means eating whole chicks! Mum is so relieved as she hates seeing dad prepare the food – we all know its nature but some people just don't cope well with it!
Dad is still training me on the glove – I go on his fist or the glove whatever you wish to call it – every couple of hours – dad is so patient with me, and I must admit its pretty good sat there – I'm so much higher so can see everything around me!
We did set off for a walk but I have decided I don't do windy weather!!! Although it was bright and sunny and not even cold today there was quite a breeze and it throws me – so dad brought me home again....shame really cos like I said, I do enjoy it!
I have had my walk about too – dad puts me on the floor and I just walk around after him – I never seem to be more than a few steps from him...just like a shadow!!!
Mum came into the kitchen mid afternoon and saw me leaning a long way over the side of my box – she laughed and made some silly comment like was I looking at committing harry carry...mm mm don’t think she fully understands I am still a baby owl – who doesn't understand the English language – or the slang for it!!
Only a few minutes later dad came down and shouted to mum to come quickly – she opened the living room door to find me happily walking around the dining room – I decided I wanted a leg stretch so jumped over board! Yes I know my box was actually sat on the kitchen worktop so pretty high up – but I just closed my eyes, ran, jumped and had a little flap of my wings – and landed safely.... what a clever owl I am!
Downside of my adventure is dad has once again brought out the big box – I don't like it cos I cant see out of it – but I suppose she has to be sure when he goes to bed that I am safe....
Cant think of anything else to share for today – oh yes – we had a visit from Vicky & Layton this morning – and Layton just couldn't believe how big I was – he asked his grandad where was the baby bird...its not so easy trying to explain to an almost 4 year old child!
That's the lot then folks...enjoy the photo's – when you get down to the last few you may be confused by them – don't be – they just show how I get myself comfortable for sleeping – no point having a big roomy box and not sprawling out in it is there? Mum and dad constantly say they wouldn't believe a bird would lay out so much for sleeping if they didn't see it with their own eyes! I do like to shock and surprise folk lol
The photos....
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